January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma is a serious eye condition, but it isn’t widely understood. Called the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma is a group of diseases that raise eye pressure and slowly damage the optic nerve, causing permanent...
It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year (cue the music) — and it’s all about the hustle and bustle of getting a lot of things done in a short period of time! Unfortunately, most of us don’t take the time to think about the potential hazards to...
5 Scenarios To Avoid Next Year By Using Your Flex 125 Funds Today Why Your Flex Savings Account is a Tax Savings Superhero for Eyewear It’s the Holiday Season! Everywhere you look, there are decorations, lights, and people in good spirits! What a wonderful time...
Protect Your Vision: 10 Essential Tips to Safeguard Diabetic Eyes It’s a fact: Living with diabetes means that you are more likely to experience vision problems. But here’s another fact: You can help prevent diabetic eye disease or slow its progression by...
6 Questions (and Answers!) About Diabetic Eye Disease November is American Diabetes Month. With more than 38 million Americans – 15% of our country’s adult population – experiencing diabetes, it’s an important time to bring awareness to this...